Rhodochrosite Wire Wrapped Necklace Earth Beauty Jewelry 1231 What a beauty. This Rhodochrosite Wire Wrapped...
Rhodochrosite Wire Wrap Necklace Earth Beauty Jewelry 1214 Feel the love radiate from within with...
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Mahogany Obsidian Wire Wrap Necklace Earth Beauty Jewelry 1213 This one-of-a-kind Mahogany Obsidian Wire Wrap Necklace with...
Gold Silver Turquoise Wire Wrap Necklace Earth Beauty Jewelry 1212 This stunning Gold Silver Turquoise Wire...
Jasmin was great to work with! She helped to design a bracelet for my wife for Mother's Day!
— John
Beautiful jewelry, made locally-what more could you ask for! Very easy to pick out a piece and I was even able to pick it up in person.
— Jason
Jasmine redesigned three bracelets that incorporated some special beads into each one. So pleased, and highly recommend Earth Beauty Jewelry.
— Pam Ling
Beauty, Strength, and Spirit are not just words, they are powerful forces that come from deep within. They are qualities we can choose to embody everyday.
Beauty - is not only what we see on the outside, but also the radiance we carry within - and the magic we find in the world when we take the time to notice the little things.
Strength - is the resilience and grace that life teaches us through every challenge, shaping our character and making us who we are.
Spirit - is Love, Joy, Hope, Faith, and Trust that we express when we fully open ourselves to the world.
These values are reflected in my jewelry and art. The vibrant stones, crystals, and colorful art I create aim to help women celebrate their, beauty, strength, and spirit. Each piece I design is infused with intention meant to inspire and empower you to express the unique light you carry within.